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Bottlebrush Father Christmas x 1 Plant Native Plants Hardy Red Lemon Cream Flowering Shrubs Xmas Callistemon pallidus

Bottlebrush Father Christmas x 1 Plant Native Plants Hardy Red Lemon Cream Flowering Shrubs Xmas Callistemon pallidus

You will receive 1 plant of Bottlebrush Father Christmas. Lemon Native Plants Hardy Shrubs Call..


Bottlebrush Lemon x 1 Plants Light Yellow Cream Flowering Native Plants Shrubs Trees Bottle Brush Rockery Screen Hedge Bush Callistemon pallidus

Bottlebrush Lemon x 1 Plants Light Yellow Cream Flowering Native Plants Shrubs Trees Bottle Brush Rockery Screen Hedge Bush Callistemon pallidus

You will receive 1 plant of Lemon Bottlebrush. Pretty Yellow Flowering Plants Callistemon ..


Gasteria Flow 1 Plants Succulents Aloe Indoor Ox Tongue

Gasteria Flow 1 Plants Succulents Aloe Indoor Ox Tongue

Gasteria Flow 1 Plants Succulents Aloe Ox Tongue Ideal for growing indoors as a houseplant (not f..

$4.45 $9.95

Haworthia Spider White 1 Plants Fairies Washboard Haworthiopsis limifolia

Haworthia Spider White 1 Plants Fairies Washboard Haworthiopsis limifolia

Haworthiopsis limifolia Spider White 1 Plants Hardy Rosette Succulents Native to Southern Africa...

$4.95 $8.95

Haworthiopsis attenuata Zebra 1 Plants Haworthia Succulents

Haworthiopsis attenuata Zebra 1 Plants Haworthia Succulents

Haworthia Zebra 1 Plants Hardy Pot Container Succulents Native to Southern Africa. Probably th..

$4.45 $6.95

Pincushion Hakea laurina 1 Plants Hardy Flowering Native Shrubs

Pincushion Hakea laurina 1 Plants Hardy Flowering Native Shrubs

Hakea Pincushion 1 Plants Hardy Flowering Native Shrubs One of the world's most famous Ha..


Silver Squill x 1 Plant Ledebouria socialis Succulents Wood Hyacinth Leopard Foliage Vioet Scilla Indoor Outdoor Plants Hardy Bulbs Bonbonniere Wedding Favors

Silver Squill x 1 Plant Ledebouria socialis Succulents Wood Hyacinth Leopard Foliage Vioet Scilla Indoor Outdoor Plants Hardy Bulbs Bonbonniere Wedding Favors

You will receive 1 Wood Hyacinth Plants. Pretty Ornamental foliage shade plants  Silver Squill&..


Succulent Plants x 100 in Pots 10 Types Hardy Bonbonniere Wedding Favors Succulents Flowering  Shrubs Hanging basket ground cover Gardens

Succulent Plants x 100 in Pots 10 Types Hardy Bonbonniere Wedding Favors Succulents Flowering Shrubs Hanging basket ground cover Gardens

100 x Hardy Succulent Plants (10 varieties) in Pots.  Great Wedding Favours, Gifts and Bonbo..


Correa Chef’s Cap 1 Hardy Native Fuchsia Flowering Shrubs

Correa Chef’s Cap 1 Hardy Native Fuchsia Flowering Shrubs

Correa Chef’s Cap 1 Hardy Native Fuchsia Flowering Shrubs A good understorey plant. Beau..


Correa Fat Fred 1 Plant Native Flowering reflexa speciosa

Correa Fat Fred 1 Plant Native Flowering reflexa speciosa

Correa reflexa var speciosa Fat Fred Native Plants Hardy, red flowering small to medium shrubs. ..


Correa Marian’s Marvel 1 Native Fuchsia Flowering Shrubs

Correa Marian’s Marvel 1 Native Fuchsia Flowering Shrubs

Correa Marian’s Marvel 1 Native Fuchsia Flowering Shrubs Hardy Australian shrubs that produ..


Egg and Bacon Plant x 1 Dwarf Hardy Native Shrubs Flowers Bush Pea Red Yellow Orange Flowering Eutaxia obovata nana

Egg and Bacon Plant x 1 Dwarf Hardy Native Shrubs Flowers Bush Pea Red Yellow Orange Flowering Eutaxia obovata nana

Egg and Bacon Plants x1 Dwarf Eutaxia obovata nana Hardy Native Bush Pea Shrubs If you buy 5 or m..


Correa Mixed x 8 Plants 4 Types Native Fuchsia Native Garden Hardy Flowering Shrubs Rockery Border Alba Decumbens Reflexa Glabra

Correa Mixed x 8 Plants 4 Types Native Fuchsia Native Garden Hardy Flowering Shrubs Rockery Border Alba Decumbens Reflexa Glabra

Pretty Flowering Native Fuchsia x 8 Plants 3-4 Types of Correa Alba Decumbens Reflexa Glabra Ha..


Eremophila Amber Carpet 1 Emu Bush Native Groundcover Plants

Eremophila Amber Carpet 1 Emu Bush Native Groundcover Plants

Eremophila Amber Carpet 1 Emu Bush Native Groundcover Plants Very low water requirements once est..


Eremophila Mixed x 10 Plants 4 Types Emu Bush Pack Very Hardy Native Shrubs Tubular Flowering Drought Frost Wind Tolerant Resistant

Eremophila Mixed x 10 Plants 4 Types Emu Bush Pack Very Hardy Native Shrubs Tubular Flowering Drought Frost Wind Tolerant Resistant

A wonderful mix of Emu bush varieties x 10 Mixed plants 4 Types Hardy and beautiful tubular flowers/..


Eremophila Red Desert 1 Plant Emu Bush Hardy Native Shrubs

Eremophila Red Desert 1 Plant Emu Bush Hardy Native Shrubs

Eremophila Red Desert 1 Plant Emu Bush Hardy Native Shrubs Magnificent abundant red to deep ora..


Eremophila Wildberry x 1 Plant Emu Bush Poverty Native Pink Flowering Hardy Shrubs Rockery Border Hedging Hedge Plants alternifolia x maculata

Eremophila Wildberry x 1 Plant Emu Bush Poverty Native Pink Flowering Hardy Shrubs Rockery Border Hedging Hedge Plants alternifolia x maculata

You will receive 1 plant of hardy magenta/pink flowering Emu Bush Wildberry. Native shrubs Erem..


Grevillea Red Olive 1 Plants Hardy Native Shrubs olivacea

Grevillea Red Olive 1 Plants Hardy Native Shrubs olivacea

Grevillea Red Olive 1 Plants Hardy Native Flowering Shrubs Popular red flowering hardy Australian..


Bonsai Crassula x 1 Succulents Plants Hanging Basket Groundcover Indoor Outdoor Jade Flowering Patio Balcony Pot Rockery Small Leaf Hardy sarcocaulis

Bonsai Crassula x 1 Succulents Plants Hanging Basket Groundcover Indoor Outdoor Jade Flowering Patio Balcony Pot Rockery Small Leaf Hardy sarcocaulis

Great forming Bonsai Crassula sarcocaulis plants x 1 Hardy Succulents for indoor, outdoor, pati..


Bottlebrush Wildfire x 1 Plants Dwarf Deep Red Flowering Native Shrubs Bottle Brush Bird Attracting Small Trees Callistemon viminalis

Bottlebrush Wildfire x 1 Plants Dwarf Deep Red Flowering Native Shrubs Bottle Brush Bird Attracting Small Trees Callistemon viminalis

You will receive 1 plants of Dwarf Bottlebrush Wildfire Deep Red Flowering Callistemon vim..


Climbing Rocket Aloe x 1 Succulent Plants Red Flowering Hardy Cacti Cactus like Garden Rockery Patio Balcony Aloiampelos gracilis

Climbing Rocket Aloe x 1 Succulent Plants Red Flowering Hardy Cacti Cactus like Garden Rockery Patio Balcony Aloiampelos gracilis

A taller growing red winter flowering Aloe. Angular Succulents. Semi Climbing for Patio, B..


Crassula Lizards Tail x 1 Succulents Plants Indoor Outdoor Patio Balcony Pot Garden Rockery lycopodioides purpusii syn muscosa

Crassula Lizards Tail x 1 Succulents Plants Indoor Outdoor Patio Balcony Pot Garden Rockery lycopodioides purpusii syn muscosa

Crassula Lizards Tail Angular symmetrical foliage plants x 1 Crassula lycopodioides p..


Crassula Watch Chain Rat's Tail x 1 Succulents Plants Indoor Outdoor muscosa lycopodioides Rats Tail Jade Flowering Patio Balcony Pot

Crassula Watch Chain Rat's Tail x 1 Succulents Plants Indoor Outdoor muscosa lycopodioides Rats Tail Jade Flowering Patio Balcony Pot

1 Crassula muscosa lycopodioides Rats Tail Watch chain plants.   Receive $1.00 off per..


Cuban Mint/Spanish Thyme x 1 Succulents Plectranthus amboinicus Hardy plants Coleus Herbs Rockery Hanging Baskets Groundcover Cottage Garden Herbal Patio Balcony Border
Elephant Bush x 1 Dwarf Jade Small Leaf Succulents Plants Shrubs Rockery Jade Indoors Bonsai Portulacaria afra Crassula

Elephant Bush x 1 Dwarf Jade Small Leaf Succulents Plants Shrubs Rockery Jade Indoors Bonsai Portulacaria afra Crassula

Vibrant growing small leaved Elephant Bush x 1 Dwarf Jade Succulents Plants Pots Indoors Bonsai Port..


Tiger Tooth Aloe juvenna 1 Plants Groundcover Succulents Rockery Hanging Basket

Tiger Tooth Aloe juvenna 1 Plants Groundcover Succulents Rockery Hanging Basket

Unique Jagged Foliage Aloe juvenna Tiger Tooth succulent Plants Jagged toothed aloe. Hardy..

$4.45 $5.95

Darwinia Lemon Scented Myrtle x 1 Plant Red Orange Yellow Flowering Lemon Scented Myrtle Native Shrubs Hedge Hedging Border Rockery Garden Plants citriodora
Lemon Scented Myrtle Prostrate Darwinia citriodora prostrata

Lemon Scented Myrtle Prostrate Darwinia citriodora prostrata

Lemon Scented Myrtle Prostrate 1 Flowering Groundcover Plant Hardy native groundcover shrubs. ..


Convolvulus mauritanicus Purple Runner x 1 Full Moon Plants Groundcover Hardy Mauve Purple Flowering Cascading Rockery

Convolvulus mauritanicus Purple Runner x 1 Full Moon Plants Groundcover Hardy Mauve Purple Flowering Cascading Rockery

You will receive 1 plant of beautiful & hardy Convolvulus mauritanicus Purple Runner Full M..


Crowea Pink Waxflower x 1 Plants Hardy Native Flowers exalata

Crowea Pink Waxflower x 1 Plants Hardy Native Flowers exalata

Crowea exalata 1 Plant Waxflower Native Shrubs Pink Flowers The plants you will receive are 12-18..


Hebe Wiri Mist x 1 Plants White Flowers Hardy Hedge Border Veronica Small Leaf Shrubs Long flowering cottage garden Rockery Patio Balcony Pot etc

Hebe Wiri Mist x 1 Plants White Flowers Hardy Hedge Border Veronica Small Leaf Shrubs Long flowering cottage garden Rockery Patio Balcony Pot etc

Wiri Mist Hebe x 1 Veronica plants White flowering Pretty and tough. Tight foliage, long flo..


Hebe First Light 1 Plants White Purple

Hebe First Light 1 Plants White Purple

Hebe First Light 1 Plants White Purple Great flowering groundcover hebe plants Great ground cove..


Hebe Pink Candy Plants Flowering Hedging Cottage Garden

Hebe Pink Candy Plants Flowering Hedging Cottage Garden

1 Plants Pink & White flowering Hebe Pink Candy Shrubs Great flowering Shrubby hebe plants ..


Hebe Snowdrift x 1 Plant White Flowering Veronica Evergreen Shrubs Plants Hedge Rockery Border Topiary Hardy Frost Pot headfortii

Hebe Snowdrift x 1 Plant White Flowering Veronica Evergreen Shrubs Plants Hedge Rockery Border Topiary Hardy Frost Pot headfortii

You will receive 1 plant of Hebe Snowdrift. Hardy White Flowering Shrubs. Hedging Evergree..


Hebe Wiri Joy x 1 Plants Pink/Purple Flowering Hedging Shrubs

Hebe Wiri Joy x 1 Plants Pink/Purple Flowering Hedging Shrubs

Deep Pink/Purple Flowering Hebe Shrubs Also known as Shrubby Veronica If you buy 5 or more, yo..


Purple Princess Plants 1 Tibouchina urvilleana grandiflora lasiandra Glory shrubs

Purple Princess Plants 1 Tibouchina urvilleana grandiflora lasiandra Glory shrubs

Tibouchina urevilleana grandiflora plants Purple flowering shrubs Fast growing tropical to sub tr..


Succulent Cuttings Hanging Basket 20 No Pots Hardy Cascading

Succulent Cuttings Hanging Basket 20 No Pots Hardy Cascading

Succulent Cuttings Hanging Basket 20 No Pots Hardy Cascading Drought hardy plants for garden, pot..


Succulents Mixed x 15 Plants Pack 7 Types In Pots Hardy Flowering Border Container Rockery Groundcover Cottage Garden Bonbonniere Hanging Basket

Succulents Mixed x 15 Plants Pack 7 Types In Pots Hardy Flowering Border Container Rockery Groundcover Cottage Garden Bonbonniere Hanging Basket

15 Hardy Succulent Plants Established in Pots. 7 Types. Great gifts, Wedding favours/joys, Bonb..

$39.95 $45.95

Coprosma Evening Glow x 1 Plant Hardy Mirror Bush Foliage Plants Hedge Groundcover Hedging Border Rockery repens

Coprosma Evening Glow x 1 Plant Hardy Mirror Bush Foliage Plants Hedge Groundcover Hedging Border Rockery repens

You will receive 1 plant of Coprosma Evening Glow. Hardy Multi Coloured Foliage Plants Shrubs Hedge/..


Pink Bubbles x 1 Plants Pinkhead Pink Clover Japanese Knotweed Red Purple Green Foliage Groundcover Persicaria capitata

Pink Bubbles x 1 Plants Pinkhead Pink Clover Japanese Knotweed Red Purple Green Foliage Groundcover Persicaria capitata

You will receive 1 plants of Japanese Knotweed. Pink Bubble Smartweed Clover Fast Growing Red P..


Succulent Cuttings Mixed x 80 Plants No Pots Drought Succulents Cacti Patio Balcony Hanging Baskets Hardy Garden Rockery

Succulent Cuttings Mixed x 80 Plants No Pots Drought Succulents Cacti Patio Balcony Hanging Baskets Hardy Garden Rockery

80 Different varieties of Succulent Cuttings. For Hanging baskets, pots, patio, balcony or ..


Dianella Blue Flax Lily x 1 Plant Native Grass Paroo Hardy Flowering Grasses Border Rockery Cottage Garden caerulea

Dianella Blue Flax Lily x 1 Plant Native Grass Paroo Hardy Flowering Grasses Border Rockery Cottage Garden caerulea

You will receive 1 plants of Dianella caerulea Blue Flax Lily or Paroo Lily. Hardy native ..


Succulent Cuttings Mixed x 110 No Pots 30 Types Pack Hardy Garden Flowering Groundcover Hanging Basket Plants Shrubs

Succulent Cuttings Mixed x 110 No Pots 30 Types Pack Hardy Garden Flowering Groundcover Hanging Basket Plants Shrubs

110 Succulents Plants Cuttings Pack (30 Types) with no pots Hardy Garden Flowering cuttings&nbs..


China Doll / Girl x 1 Plant Indoor / Outdoor Purple / White Flowering Evergreen Hardy Balcony Courtyard Ornamental Garden Shrubs Pot Duranta repens

China Doll / Girl x 1 Plant Indoor / Outdoor Purple / White Flowering Evergreen Hardy Balcony Courtyard Ornamental Garden Shrubs Pot Duranta repens

You will receive 1 plant of indoor/outdoor ornamental China Doll. White fringed Purple flowers ..


Ficus Emerald Green 1 Plants Indoor Outdoor microcarpa hillii

Ficus Emerald Green 1 Plants Indoor Outdoor microcarpa hillii

Ficus Emerald Green 1 Plant Indoor Outdoor Hardy Trees Found growing in homes, gardens, offices, ..


Hydrangea Rotschwanz x 1 Plant Lacecap Red Purple Flowering Shade Shrubs Plants Bush Cottage Garden Deciduous Hardy Frost Tough macrophylla

Hydrangea Rotschwanz x 1 Plant Lacecap Red Purple Flowering Shade Shrubs Plants Bush Cottage Garden Deciduous Hardy Frost Tough macrophylla

You will receive 1 plant of Hydrangea Rotschwanz. Lacecap Shrubs Red Flowers Deciduous Pla..


Agonis Burgundy x 1 Plants Hardy Native Garden Willow Myrtle Screen Screening Shrubs Trees Weeping Leaves Bush flexuosa

Agonis Burgundy x 1 Plants Hardy Native Garden Willow Myrtle Screen Screening Shrubs Trees Weeping Leaves Bush flexuosa

Your will receive 1 Plant of Agonis flexuosa Burgundy. Peppermint Gum Willow Myrtle Hardy Weepi..


Eucalyptus Silver Dollar x 1 Plants Gum Trees Argyle Apple Koala Attacting Aromatic Hardy Native Flowering Foliage Pot cinerea

Eucalyptus Silver Dollar x 1 Plants Gum Trees Argyle Apple Koala Attacting Aromatic Hardy Native Flowering Foliage Pot cinerea

Silver Dollar Gum Trees Eucalyptus cinerea Argyle Apple plants Yellow flowers flowering gums Flo..


Lions Tail Mixed Pack x 6 Plants 2 Types Wild Dagga Orange White Flowering Hardy Garden Shrubs Fast African Paw Ear Flowers Leonotis leonurus

Lions Tail Mixed Pack x 6 Plants 2 Types Wild Dagga Orange White Flowering Hardy Garden Shrubs Fast African Paw Ear Flowers Leonotis leonurus

You will receive 6 plants. 2 orange and 2 white Lions Tail/Paw Plants. Hardy and Rare Flowering..


Lions Tail Orange x 1 Plant Wild Dagga Hardy Flowering Garden Shrubs Fast African Paw Ear Flowers Cottage Pot Balcony Leonotis leonurus

Lions Tail Orange x 1 Plant Wild Dagga Hardy Flowering Garden Shrubs Fast African Paw Ear Flowers Cottage Pot Balcony Leonotis leonurus

You will receive 1 plant of Orange Lion's Tail. Wild Dagga Magnificent Campfire Plants Hard..


Showing 1 to 50 of 131 (3 Pages)