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  • Belladonna Lily x 1 Plants In Pots Pink Naked Lady Flowering Hardy Frost Wind Full Sun Drought Resistant Bulbs Lilly Amaryllis rosea

Belladonna Lily x 1 Plants In Pots Pink Naked Lady Flowering Hardy Frost Wind Full Sun Drought Resistant Bulbs Lilly Amaryllis rosea

  • Product Code: amaryllis-belladonna-rosea-lily-1
  • Availability: 7
  • $5.45

  • 5 or more $4.45

You will receive 1 Pink flowering Belladonna Lily plants in pots Naked Lady Lillies Amaryllis belladonna Beautiful large scented trumpet flowers Bulbs

If you buy 5 or more, you will receive $1.00 off per plant!

Not for Western Australia, Northern Territory or Tasmania


You will receive one 40x80mm pot with at least one bulb/plant in each pot. The time of year will determine how tall the plants are because in Summer they will have lost their leaves whilst in mid Autumn they will begin to grow new leaves through the cooler months. They will be ready to plant into your garden.


Pink Belladonna Lily
Naked Lady Amaryllis belladonna
Syn callicore rosea

These plants grow deep green lush strap foliage in the wetter months as can be seen in the collage around this listing.

In the dry season the leaves will die back and then in late summer the large bulbs will normally send up 1-2 new shoots that rise to around 40-50cm and then display clusters of soft pink highly scented trumpet flowers.

Due to the growing cycle of these plants, they are able to survive in many dry/low rainfall and frost affected areas

They make pleasant surprises in dry gardens in summer when you walk through and find them open and gently moving in the wind.

You can often find them in old farmstead gardens where they grow without human interventions, even though the original gardens are now long gone.

We rarely get access to this variety.

They can grow in a wide range of positions from semi shade to full sun.

Fast growing to around 60cm.

These plants are quite hardy and divide well.

Will grow in a wide range of soils

Deer, kangaroo and rabbit resistant.

Plantinspirations Online Garden Plants Nursery works hard to try and ensure our notes on the variety/varieties listed are true and correct, but do not accept any responsibility for errors or misinformation that may have occurred either by my staff or me.   

Tags: hardy, pink flowers, xeriscape, terrarium, succulent, full sun, semi shade, rockery, bulbs, indoor plants., outdoor plants, scented flowers, strap leaf foliage